what is my approach?

Welcome! My name is Sam. I’m a psychologist, formerly working in the fields of clinical psychology and neuropsychology and currently working as a freelancer in psychological assessment.

I have a deep and longstanding interest in exploring the reality of our experience. In particular I am fascinated by the nature of awareness and the illusory experience of separation. Why does this fascinate me? Because a direct insight into these matters has the power to radically transform our experience.

Our usual approach of engaging with life is from the perspective of a limited separate self. When this perspective is our only way of experiencing, the natural consequence is that we seem to be absolutely defined by our self-identity and the life circumstances we find ourselves in. We subsequently believe ourselves to be a limited being which lives in a world of other limited beings and objects. There is of course the possibility that the circumstances of our life are quite pleasant and we experience a great deal of meaning, pleasure and happiness. Very commonly, however, this fixation on a particular identity has the consequence of causing us psychological suffering in all its various forms (a strong sense of incompleteness, feelings of meaninglessness, neurotic fears, excessive hate, etc.).

So what can be done to remedy this condition of suffering? The solution is to discover the inherent freedom of your true nature. Our true nature is not some kind of magical state which is incredibly hard to access. I’m simply referring to the very awareness through which you already experience everything. Fascinatingly, this awareness is fully available and wide open for discovery, but through our habitual, limiting ways of experiencing we can overlook it and its qualities. Since you already have complete and unrestricted access to this awareness, it really is only a matter of noticing what’s already and unconditionally true about it. You can come to discover that this awareness is always whole, unbounded, centerless, present and inseparable from all your perceptions. Recognizing this awareness and its qualities more and more deeply has a profound effect on the peace, meaning, beauty and joy you will tend to experience in your life. It’s crucial to note that you don’t need to (and more importantly shouldn’t) take these claims on faith. The great news is that you are without a doubt qualified to make this discovery for yourself.

Importantly, this discovery does not neglect or deny your humanity. On the contrary, it is a tremendous enhancement of what we consider our human life. When we are freed from our previously held neurotic beliefs of being a limited self, a much more dynamic and wise participation with the world is possible. A totally new operating system for living your life is suddenly available to you. All your psychological hang-ups certainly won’t magically disappear, but there now is a profoundly different possibility of engaging with them and resolving them.

If discovering this astounding shift in your way of being sounds compelling to you, then I’d love to help you along this path! In general I place high value on meeting you where you are. There are no requirements for me to work with you. Your emotional state, your intellectual understanding or your spiritual realizations are not fundamentally important. The only thing that is needed is your genuine interest in wanting to discover a radically different way of life.